We invite you to watch this year’s Volkswagen Tracking Challenge which is part of the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2014 at the TU Munich. The competition will be conducted at the 9th and 11th of September 2014.
Vision-based tracking technologies, especially used for tracking of vehicle components, are one of the most crucial basis-technologies required for a widespread application of Augmented Reality in the automotive and industrial domain. The competition aims to provide a forum for scientific exchange between researchers from academia and industry, as well as an opportunity to get in contact with potential customers in the environment of the Volkswagen Group.
The Tracking Challenge consists of four scenarios that are based on corresponding processes and requirements of automotive industry as well as current issues in science. The participants will receive a certain number of 3D reference points or corresponding 3D data for the registration into the local coordinate system for each of the scenarios. Then, they will have to determine and visualize elements which are defined by given 3D coordinates. Each scenario is divided into a preparation and a competition phase. During the competition, rating points are given by the jury for each mastered task. This jury is made up of members from the Technical University of Munich and from employees of Qualcomm Incorporated, Advanced Realtime Tracking GmbH and Volkswagen AG.
More information is available on the Volkswagen Tracking Challenge website.
You can watch the actual competition on Sept. 11, 2014 in the main hall of the computer science building.
Task: Exact localization of 3D coordinates on a rotating vehicle model; Correct superimposition of virtual data on the real vehicle.
Procedure: At first, from a given tracking area participants have to register / adapt to the local vehicle coordinate system using uncoded circular markers (their exact coordinates are provided) or known 3D data. In the competition phase, points on the base underneath the vehicle have to be identified using predefined 3D coordinates. Then 3D data has to be overlaid on top of the rotating vehicle model as accurate as possible.
Challenges: In the competition phase, the reference points previously used for calibrating are no longer available on the rotating vehicle base (oval shaped disc). Moreover, the tracking is permitted only in a limited area. A particular challenge here is the tracking of a moving object with variable speed from a fixed position.
Rating: In the first three sub-tasks, a point is awarded by the jury when an element defined by 3D coordinates was correctly identified. This point is multiplied with the previously established level of difficulty, which is determined by the speed and variance of the rotation. In addition, the jury will evaluate the overlay quality of each approach. Decisive criteria are robustness, accuracy, the initializing procedure and duration of the overlay.
Prize money: € 4,000.00
Task: Exact determination of exterior and interior parts of a vehicle defined by 3D coordinates.
Procedure: The participants capture the external appearance of the complete vehicle in the preparation phase and register with the help of uncoded circular markers in the engine compartment (the exact coordinates are provided) or 3D data of parts of the exterior and interior in the local coordinate system of the vehicle. During the competition the taks is to identify specific items based on given 3D coordinates in four different areas of the vehicle (interior and exterior) in a fixed order.
Challenge: Before starting the competition phase, the reference points previously used for registration to the local coordinate system will be removed. In addition, the scenario changes: lighting situation is varied and vehicle elements are removed or added. In addition, in the interior as well as in some other areas outside the engine compartment, there will be no information about the local coordinate system.
Rating: In each case, a point is awarded for the correct assignment of an element to a given 3D coordinate. This point is multiplied with the predetermined level of difficulty of each subtask. Furthermore, the time needed to deal with the competition task is measured. However, this will only affect the evaluation when multiple teams score the same number of points.
Prize money: € 4,000.00
Task: Accurate placement of adapters at position defined by 3D coordinates.
Procedure: Unlike the other scenarios, in this scenario the preparation and competition phase directly flow into each other. The participants are allowed to place their own markers and features into a specified area in the preparation phase. These markers and features have then to be registrated to the local coordinate system which is defined by circular reference points. The exact 3D coordinates of the reference points are provided.
Challenge: Before the start of the competition phase, the circular reference points are removed. In the competition phase tracking is performed exclusively using the own marker and features.
Rating: Points are awared according to the accuracy and speed of the tracking approaches.
Prize money: € 2,000.00
Task: Tracking in an unknown corridor and identification of certain elements based on given 3D coordinates.
Procedure: The participants have a local coordinate system at the starting point which is defined by circular reference points. The starting point is in front of an unknown and winding corridor. The exact 3D coordinates of the reference points are known. During the competition the task is to move through the unknown corridor and to identify certain elements. The participants will not be able to see the corridor in the preparation phase.
Challenge: The corridor will become apparent only during the competition phase. It is only known in advance that the corridor can be about 20 meters long.
Rating: For each of the challenge points rating points are given as follow: a rating point for correctly labeled challenge points at the start, two rating points for correctly labeled chalellenge points in the middle of the corridor and four rating points for correctly labeled challenge points at the end.
Prize money: € 2,000.00