We have decided to have additional category as Extended Posters, which will be reviewed on the basis of 4 pages length paper, for encouraging the authors who wish to publish more enhanced technical contribution than normal posters with two pages extended abstract. Accepted submissions from this category will be presented as Extended Posters, which will be presented by 3-minute teasers for these papers, instead of 1-minute teasers.
We have two different programs for posters: Science and Technology Program (S&T) and Media, Arts, Social Sciences, Humanities & Design(MASH'D). They have a different submission, review process, different topics and review criteria. This call for posters aim only "Science and Technology Program (S&T)".
Extended posters will be reviewed on the basis of 4 pages length paper. A three minutes teaser session will be organized for the authors of accepted papers of Extended Poster category.
Posters will be reviewed on the basis of an extended abstract, which must be 2 pages long. A one minutes teaser session will be organized for the authors of accepted papers of Poster category.
Both Posters and Extended Posters will be published in the IEEE Xplore digital library as the ISMAR 2015 conference proceedings. Those who want to make a demonstration and want to have a four/two page article published in IEEE Xplore have to submit their work to either the Extended Poster or Poster category instead of the Demo category.
All of those whose works are accepted in the Extended Poster/Poster category, can choose either a poster or a demonstration as their presentation style.
The teaser sessions will be organized as well for the authors to give a pitch about their poster work and invite audience to visit their poster/demo boost.
Note that another "Call for Demos" without publication on IEEE Xplore is also announced. Please see details of "Call for Demos" (
Posters templates (TEX, DOC) are available here:
All materials will be submitted electronically through the Precision Conference website at:
If you already have an account with that system, please use that account to submit your materials. Otherwise, create a new account. After log-in, please select new submission and then select the appropriate track for your submission:
- ISMAR 2015 Science and Technology Posters
As part of the submission you will be able to choose a major topic and a list of associated keywords.
Detailed information on S&T Posters submission can be found in the following guidelines:
- S&T Submission Guidelines:
- Author Guidelines:
Extended Poster/Poster can be dual submitted with one of ISMAR2015 workshops under the following conditions:
If you have further question, feel free to email poster_chairs[at]
Nobuchika Sakata, Osaka University
Richard Newcombe, University of Washington
Veronica Teichrieb, Federal University of Pernambuco